You can activate the principle of tithing in your life today.

Ways to GIVE

Secure Online Giving
Use the portal on this page. Secure and Convenient!
Set up one time, monthly or semimonthly recurring gifts using your  Visa/MC Credit Card.  A great way to give while you are away from home or while sitting in Oasis City or any time!
E-Transfer  to:
Be sure to put your Name and address in the memo line 
Give In Person
You can give on Sundays using an Oasis City Envelope, which is available during our services, at the Info Desk, and in the seat backs in each row. Complete the information on the envelope and drop it in the offering giving box as you leave the auditorium or at the Info Desk. Cheques can be made out to Oasis City Church.
There is also a debit machine at the Info Desk and Fireside Room Coffee, where you can make a donation.
Feel free to come into our office if you'd like to give during our weekly office hours.
Securities & Real Estate
A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes don't apply, our charity receives the full fair market value when the security is sold, and you get a tax receipt which reflects your larger contribution. This allows you to give more and get more. Should you want to donate an investment, email for a "letter of direction" or
call 250-746-8457.


Which giving option should I choose?
Tithes & Offerings is the fund to which you give 10%, which goes into Oasis City Church's operating budget.
"Heart For The House" sows into the expansion and acceleration of the Oasis City Vision.
What is the benefit of setting up recurring giving for my tithe?
Your generosity builds the local church, so if you are ever out of town or forget to give, you can be confident that you are still giving.
Will I receive a giving statement?
Yes, we will provide you a giving statement in the beginning of the year. Our ability to do so requires us to have the most up to date contact information. Please be sure to update it here.
If have more questions about giving, where would I ask?
Email us at:
What is the deadline for annual giving contributions?
Cash and check donations must be received or postmarked by December 31st. Online transactions must be initiated by 11:59 PST on December 31st.